Meme Watch: Unnecessary Explosions Added To GIFs Make Things More Rad «
Check this imgur gallery for some truly astonishing explosion gifs! Unnecessary Explosions Added
Check this imgur gallery for some truly astonishing explosion gifs! Unnecessary Explosions Added
“Some sharks are ‘gregarious’ and have strong social connections, whilst others are more solitary and prefer to remain inconspicuous, according to a new study which is the first to show that the notorious predators have personality traits.“
“Plants make nectar to feed insects and other animals so they’ll spread their pollen. When insects feed on caffeine-spiked nectar, they get a beneficial buzz: they become much more likely to remember the scent of the flower.”
Star Wars and the Middle Ages
What is it like to be alive and feel no pulse?
These are trained professionals?
Jeb Corliss wing-suit demo from Jeb Corliss on Vimeo.
The Note on my Door: Counterintuitive digital media assignments.